cesr 1.0.5
- 19012021 - bugfix in productivity models to include sites where ads were caught but no juvs (if no ads caught no info on productivity)
cesr 1.0.4
- 09102023 - some small bugfixes and improvements to ces.table()
- 14102023 - can now get overall change for trend models from ces.table()
cesr 1.0.3
- 25092023 - add winter= argument to readces()
- 18082023 - bugfix: ces.table now prints the estimates on the right scale
cesr 1.0.2
- 07062023 - bugfix: remove sites with no inds of an age-class caught ever
- 13052023 - implemented the min.visits argument in extract.coverage()
- 06052023 - bugfix: mark.ces() should now exit the markfiles folder
- 06052023 - streamline argument definitions in plot_trend()
- 03052023 - add ces.table() function to automate some of the models
- 03052023 - add rankings for each year to the output dataframe
cesr 1.0.1
- 10012023 - readces() now combines scheme and ring number for unique identifier
cesr 1.0.0
- 04012023 - readces() now rounds coordinates to 3 d.p. (~0.1 km)
- 28122022 - renamed plot.trend() as plot_trend()
- 28122022 - added fitting of random effects in index()
- 20122022 - added fitting of smoothed trends in index()
- 16122022 - major bug fixed in productivity trend
- 16122022 - add a fix= argument to readces() to correct some errors
- 16122022 - add error log to readces() to facilitate review of errors
cesr 0.51.1
- 09052022 - readces() will cope with decimal degrees in the coordinates column
- 30032022 - readces() removes (with a warning) unrecognised columns
- 10032022 - readces() removes (with a warning) records where species=0
- 10032022 - Change the default of readces() to group.race=TRUE and add a warning on this
- 10032022 - Allow readces() to read lat-longs as well as Euring format coordinates
- 08032022 - Add spp_check() to report rings used on multiple species
cesr 0.51.0
- 31052020: add some interpretation for trend survival models to summary()
- 31052020: Add C++ code to speedup (~2x)
- 31052020: Add min.yrs to, and exclude sites with <3 years coverage
- 26052020: Add min.yrs to, and exclude sites with only one years coverage
- 08052020: Add better checking of all.visits to extract.coverage()
- 11022020: Change the default in readces() to keep races separate
- 11022020: Bugfix - don't delete 2's (e.g. for A. caudatus)
cesr 0.41.2
- 01012020: Fix bug introduced by changes in data.table that screwed things up big time
- 01012020: Add vignette
- 01012020: Add some extra checking to readces and creates column for julian days
- 01012020: Add plotting method for the 'raw' ces data objects
- 01012020: changed the default for silent= in
- 14122018: Introduce fuzzy-matching of variable names in readces()
- 14122018: Remove warning for age-codes 3J, 5, 6 in readces()
cesr 0.41.1
- 30122017: Add check for numeric dates and net lengths in readces() and updated help file
- 09042018: Make summary.ces() do something sensible when given a species summary object
- 15052018: Bugfix - readces() not reading alphabetic visits correctly
- 17052018: Bugfix - missed the visit column from missing.visits[] in extract.counts
- 14062018: Add ability for siteplot() to summarise catches per visit
cesr 0.41.0
- 02102017: Alter model functions to cope with single sites
cesr 0.40.2
- 27092017: Add ';' as a column separator to readces()
- 27092017: Bugfix - added na.rm=TRUE to the error checking for coordinates
- 27032016: Fixed major bug that meant didn't extract data for individual species
- 27032016: Tidy up the documentation a lot with the help of R CMD check
- 27032016: Added trend and compare arguments to mark.ces()
- 27032016: Bugfix - in mark.ces() - return to original directory from 'markfiles'
- 18042016: Bugfix - added family=quasipoisson in annt.model.counts()
- 26042016: Bugfix - plot.ces.plots() threw an error
- 04052016: Bugfix - in summary.ces.plots() to calculate length of site operation correctly
- 09122016: Bugfix - in cope with years with no captures (with a warning)
- 11042017: Bugfix - force species codes to integer (with warning) in readces() to avoid a later problem in
cesr 0.40.1
- 17032016: Fix major bug that meant included sites with zero captures weren't counted in
cesr 0.30.33
- 04032016: Bugfix - in extract.coverage() to to cope with overlapping periods
- 04032016: Bugfix - in summary.ces.plots() years were being counted twice (I think following previous changes)